Sunday, August 22, 2010

PGP - Perfect Gift Plan - What is it?

PGP Perfect Gift Plan

Ever joined a Gifting Program in the past? The hangup used to be when people wouldn't acknowlege their gifts they received in a timely manner, or send their gifts when they were supposed to. Do that here and you get replaced and you'll miss out on your next gift and be removed from the program. Once someone spends to you, you need to login and acknowledge receipt of that right away as admin has a copy of that spend transaction number and doesn't give you long to post that you have received it before they are knocking on your door. This is all done with ecurrencies; SolidTrustPay, PayPal, Liberty Reserve, AlertPay, Perfect Money - You select how you want to be paid. Using e-currencies are instant and gives you the ability to do one or more transfers a day.

After you do your spends, login and record the transaction numbers showing you did your spend tothem.. When someone spends to you, login and acknowledge receipt of that spend. Check your site at least daily and more often is preferred so when you are paid you can acknowledge such, pay the next people assigned to you to pay, which speeds up when you get paid again.

What does it cost to use the admin software set up to keep track of all this for you and replace people when they don't do their thing with someone who will? About $11 a month, payable quarterly, semi annually or annually. The annual premium is the cheapest overall by about $40. Once you sign up and click confirm you will be required to pay your Software Licensing Fee. Until this paid you will not have access to the Gift Administration Portal (GAP). You will have one or more choices to pay all of which are electronic.

You are also required to invite just two people into the program before you are going to get paid. That's it. The two people covers you for all gifting levels you choose to participate in. You do not have to bring two in for each gifting level. Pay your admin software fee (about $11/mo) and invite just two people into the program and you are set. From that point on you simply pay gifts and acknowledge receipt of gifts.

There are five different gifting levels you can participate in; $50, $125, $250, $500 and $1,000. It is entirely a choice you make of your own free will which level or levels you decide to participate in. All levels are denominated in US currency. I suggest you start out at the $50 gifting level until you fully understand how this simple system works.

  • You give $50 and receive $150 per completed cycle
  • You give $125 you receive $375 per completed cycle
  • You give $250 you receive $750 per completed cycle
  • You give $500 you receive $1500 per completed cycle
  • You give $1000 you receive $3000 per completed cycle
Cycle on all levels and you will receive $5,775...
Imagine receiving that amount in your pocket this week and possibly every week thereafter...Soooo... Minimally to get started it will cost you $34.95 for 3 months admin fee and $50 in gifts; $25 each to two people. Invite two people into the program who join and with that you can start receiving your own gifts.

Be sure and read both FAQ's on the site; the General FAQ and the Member's FAQ.

The beauty of this program is not having to wait. You get pledged on your 1st person. And it's ALL AUTOMATED! No "spreadsheets" to deal with. No money to MAIL.

This is a fast moving Follow-Me Matrix that works like you have never seen before. We believe it is truly a FIRST in the industry. You will receive 6 gifts...rather than only 4 (which is how a traditional 2x2 matrix pays out). You don't have to wait for your matrix to be filled to begin receiving! You receive as EACH position fills! This is UNHEARD OF! We ALL Love Daily/Instant Cash!

This is truly a Member-to-Member Activity. Daily Receiving! No middle man with this one. Again, you will receive and send directly via this Member-to-Member activity, using eCurrencies.

When you join ONLY check 50.00 not ALL. If you check all you will be on the hook to gift all those levels you checked. Start with the $50 level and you will see how this fits in when you join. You are automatically re-entered into a new matrix so you can start receiving all over again!

There are actually FIVE levels to receive simultaneously on! All the way up to a 1000.00 matrix. Get some experience under your belt before you do that. You only need 2 personal referrals on the first level to be qualified for all levels FOR LIFE! What does that REALLY mean to YOU? If you have two personals at a level, you will cycle that level ENDLESSLY regardless of whether or not your personal referrals are in your current matrix!

You decide how you want to receive your money. To move the fastest, online processors such as AlertPay, PayPal, and Solid Trust Pay are the most efficient. We personally listed Alert Pay, Pay Pal, Solid Trust Pay and Liberty Reserve. You can list all that you have - in YOUR back office.

So . . . PLEASE watch the videos here:

Or Jump On The LIVE Call (7 Days a Week!):
Call Info For EVERY Night of the Week: 9:30 p.m. EST / 6:30 p.m. PST
Dial in number 712-432-0075 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 712-432-0075 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Access PIN Code #126844

.....and then please join us here
See also the video presentation at this site after you fill in your name and email addy. Total get started cost - (34.95 Alertpay admin fee which covers you for three months and 50.00 in gifts - $25.00 split between 2 people)

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